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Videos: Nutrient Cycles

Flow of energy and matter through ecosystem

Seeing how energy and matter flows and is recycled from primary producers (autotrophs) to primary, secondary and tertiary consumers.

SOURCE: Khan Academy (2016) on YouTube; Duration: 10:25 mins; URL:

Biogeochemical cycles

Thinking about how key elements are cycled through ecosystems.

SOURCE: Khan Academy (2016) on YouTube; Duration 7:54 mins; URL:

Water, Water Everywhere

Water is all around us, and its importance to nearly every natural process on earth cannot be underestimated. It is vital to life, but it is also tightly coupled to climate, helping to carry heat from the tropics to higher latitudes.

SOURCE: NASA (2013) from YouTube; Duration: 6:31 mins; URL:

The Ocean Carbon Cycle

Students at Bigelow Laboratory gain an in-depth understanding of oceanography through hands-on research experiences in the lab and field. A group of students made this stop-motion animation that traces the ocean carbon cycle, following carbon from the atmosphere into a tuna sandwich.

SOURCE: Bigelow Laboratory for Ocean Sciences (2018) on YouTube; Duration: 1:40 mins; URL:

Carbon Cycle

SOURCE: Khan Academy (2016) on YouTube; Duration: 8:36 mins; URL:

The Nitrogen Cycle

By Elaine Krebs, Jack Delac, and Robert Smat. Winner of First Prize in 2016 USC Science Film Competition!

SOURCE: USC Science film competition (2016) on YouTube; Duration: 3:29 mins; URL:

What is eutrophication? Here's an overview in a one minute video. Harmful algal blooms, dead zones, and fish kills are the results of a process called eutrophication—which begins with the increased load of nutrients to estuaries and coastal waters.

Original video source:

SOURCE: NOAA, published on Youtube 2018, Duration: 1:03 mins, URL:

Hank Green describes the desperate need many organisms have for nutrients (specifically nitrogen and phosphorus) and how they go about getting them via the nitrogen and phosphorus cycles.

SOURCE: Crash Course Ecology, posted onYoutube 2013, Duration: 9;21 mins, URL:

Useful Websites

Eutrophication [WA Govt.] The Oceans Nutrient Cycle Water Column Nutrients