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Think, Pair, Share

Write a short paragraph response to the following questions:

(HINT: Do not rewrite the questions: include the question in your answer.)

  1. What does is mean to belong?
  2. Why do people need to feel a sense of belonging?
  3. How do we find strength when we belong?
  4. How is Identity and belonging shaped by positive and negative experiences?
  5. Can belonging be fulfilling and difficult at the same time?
  6. Do people have to sacrifice their true selves in order to belong?
  7. How does our sense of identity and belonging alter when our environment changes?
  8. Is it possible to find a sense of belonging in a new environment?
  9. How does our identity and sense of belonging change when placed in different situations?

Share your answers with a neighbour. Be prepared to share your ideas with the class.

Text Analysis: "Galupa" & "My Country"

Consider each text example - you may need to listen to or read the text several times.


  • Structure (Formal, such as Sonnet, Haiku  . . . Or free form)
  • Rhyme (a poem does not have to have a rhyming scheme. Do these examples have one?)
  • Rhythm (number of beats per line)
  • Mood or Tone (How does it sound when read aloud. This might be closely linked to rhythm.)

Poetic devices:

  • Similes or Metaphors
  • Alliteration
  • Onamatapoia
  • Repetition


TASK 1: Create a Venn diagram, showing the poetic similarities and differences of these two texts.

TASK 2: Write a half page (at least 2 paragraphs) personal reflection on how successfully the texts convey the concept of "belonging." Support your ideas with references to the texts. Which text speaks to you more successfully?

Song Text #1: ‘Galupa’ by Geoffrey Gurrumul Yunupingu

Here is an English translation of ‘Galupa’:

Poetry Text #1: ‘My Country’ by Dorothea Mackellar