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GALLERY: Bridges [12 images]

Foot bridge in a Garden

Natural Rock Bridge

Railway Viaduct, England

Suspension Bridge, San Francisco

Arched Concrete Bridge

Sea Cliff bridge,Clifton, Australia

Sydney Harbour Bridge

Main St. Bridge, Jacksonville Florida

Arched stone bridge, England

Arthur Ravenel Bridge, Charleston

Bridge opens for boats

Matagarup Bridge, Perth [Footbridge]


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VIDEOS: Bridges

Kid's view: Sydney Harbour Bridge

Whether you've driven or walked across it, sailed under it, flown above it or climbed its arch or pylons, there's no avoiding Sydney's famous bridge. Can you see why locals call it the Coat Hanger?

SOURCE: SciShow Kids (2014), posted on YouTube, [1:10 mins] URL:

Matagarup Bridge - Arch Lifting Animation

View the animation to see how the steel arches for Matagarup Bridge will be sequenced and lifted into place.

SOURCE: Main Roads W.A. (2018), posted on YouTube, [2:18 mins] URL:

Also Matagarup Bridge: 6 months in 45 seconds

What Makes a Bridge so Strong?

A SciShow Kids viewer wrote us to ask how bridges are strong enough to carry cars and trucks! Jessi and Squeaks can explain -- with blocks!

SOURCE: SciShow Kids (2015), posted on YouTube, [3:44 mins] URL:

World’s Most Extreme Bridges | Masters of Engineering

To gain the other side, to cross the bay, a curiosity, then an obligation which pushed the Man, from the first times of its history, to develop techniques of construction to overcome these obstacles. From the first bridges in liana, through the Roman aqueducts to the viaduct of Millau which spans the valley of the Tarn to 270 m in height, the genius of the man was expressed in the civil engineering…These technical feats, traits of union between men, are, in the broad sense, true works of art. Thus man has developed, thanks to science and its applications, a way to get closer to other men and to become master of time, and space…

SOURCE: Free Documentary (2020), posted on YouTube, [52:06 mins] URL: