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Children's Classics Reader: 20th Century [1950-1999]


Browse, then select a cover to open the eBook. The titles are in alphabetical order, excluding "A", "An" and "The."

Bridge to Terabithia 1977

Charlotte's web 1952

Fantastic Mr Fox 1970

Holes 1998

Lion, witch & Wardrobe 1950

Ribsy by Cleary 1964

The Twits 1980

Wrinkle in Time 1962

Blueback 1997

Chitty Chitty 1964

Five aunts Harriet Bean 1998

Hotel for Dogs 1971

Mrs Frisby rats NIMH 1970

Skellig 1998

A wind in the door (5.0) bk. 2

War Horse 1982

Butterfly Lion 1996

Cowgirl Harriet Bean 1998

Harriet Bean League 1998

Island blue dolphins 1960

Number stars 1989

Stardust 1997

Where red fern grows 1961

Case kidnapped collie 1996

Danny, Champion 1975

Hatchet 1987

It's a Dog's Life 1984 [#3]

Princess Bride 1973

Tuck Everlasting 1975

W Story Henry Sugar 1977