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Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare
In Romeo and Juliet, Shakespeare creates a violent world, in which two young people fall in love. It is not simply that their families disapprove; the Montagues and the Capulets are engaged in a blood feud.
Romeo & Juliet: Text of the play, notes & related readings [From Folger Shakespeare]
Listen & Read Online [+ PDF] Audiobook [Destiny] Interactive eBook: About the text

Related Links

Summary: Imagery and Symbols of Light and Dark Essay: R & J is as much a story of hate as it is of love Article: The Supporting Cast
Romeo & Juliet Navigator Intro. to plot, themes & characters  Article: Reading Shakespeare's Language
Study Guide Study Guide + Videos Article: The Supporting Cast

Source of the Story of Romeo and Juliet

The story is based on Ovid's Pyramus and Thisbe. Shakespeare liberally borrowed from a narrative poem called The Tragicall Historye of Romeus and Juliet. This poem was first published in 1562 by Arthur Brooke. Sadly, Brooke perished in a shipwreck in 1563, soon after its publication.

Videos - General

Of Pentameter & Bear Baiting - Romeo & Juliet Part 1: Crash Course English Literature #2

In which John Green examines Romeo & Juliet by William Shakespeare. John delves into the world of Bill Shakespeare's famous star-crossed lovers and examines what the play is about, its structure, and the context in which it was written. Have you ever wanted to know what iambic pentameter is?

SOURCE: Crash Course Literature (2012), posted on YouTube [12:41 mins] URL:

Love or Lust? Romeo and Juliet Part 2: Crash Course English Literature #3

In which John Green returns to William Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet to explore the themes of true love, lust, and whether Romeo and Juliet were truly, deeply in love, or they were just a pair of impetuous teens. John looks into how the structure and conventions of society in medieval Verona led to the star-crossed lovers' downfall. Along the way, you'll learn about courtly love and medieval responsibility to church, family and society.

SOURCE: Crash Course Literature (2012), posted on YouTube, [10:10 mins] URL:

Bitesize Shakespeare: Romeo and Juliet 

The teenaged children of two warring families, Romeo and Juliet meet at a party and fall in love. The play tells the story of their attempts to be together, but sadly all is destined to go wrong in the end. The most obvious theme in Romeo and Juliet is that of love, but the play deals with many other important ideas too. Shakespeare invites us to examine the importance of fate, death, honour, friendship and duality. All of these themes are still relevant today, which is why the play is still popular after all these years.

SOURCE: BBC (2014), Rated E, available from ClickView, [4:53 mins] URL:

Romeo and Juliet with Joseph Fiennes

Joseph Fiennes discusses William Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet with Orlando Bloom, Condola Rashad and Stephen Sodenheim.

SOURCE: ABC (2014), Rated PG, available from Clickview, [51:12 mins] URL:

Male aggression in Romeo and Juliet - Detailed analysis [Duration: 26.10 mins]

Detailed analysis by Claire's Notes of the theme of male aggression in Romeo and Juliet.

SOURCE: Claire's Notes (Jan 17, 2021), Male aggression in Romeo and Juliet, posted on YouTube, 

Teaching and Learning Links

Romeo & Juliet interactive reader Lesson: "You kiss by the book" Close reading excerpts

LitCharts: "Romeo and Juliet" Shakescleare Translation

Romeo & Juliet Knowledge Organiser