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Identifying Keywords in a Question [Years 7-10]

Every essay/research question contains keywords. They are usually nouns, adjectives or verbs.

The keywords have been highlighted in the question below:

Describe the foods eaten by the different social groups of people living in Ancient Rome?

Keywords can be:

  • Task Words: They tell you what type of answer is required. They are usually verbs at the beginning of the question. 

                For example: "Describe" means provide details; "Explain" means give reasons for your views.

  • Content Words: tell you what the topic of the question is. These words are usually nouns.

                For example: Ancient Rome.  

  • Limiting words: tell you the specific areas to focus on. These words help you find the exact information you require.

                For example: Foods, different social groups, people. 

How to begin analysing a question:

1. Identify the keywords in the question. Underline or circle the keywords and interpret their meaning.

2. Look at the task word. What type of answer is required? Do you need to present an essay, a report, a list, a diagram or a timeline? This will affect what information you collect and how you present it.

3. Look at the content words and relate them to the 'Big ideas' you have been studying in class.

4. Look at the limiting words and then look for these words as headings or subheadings on the page or website you are using to research. Can you think of any synonyms you could also use as search terms for your research?

Task Key Words
