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Index of Titles: The titles are in alphabetical order, excluding “A”, “An” and “The.”


Act your Age [Archer]

All Summer in a Day [Bradbury]

Altar of the Family, The [Wilding]

Ants and the Grasshopper, The [Aesop]

Araby [Joyce]

At Seventeen [Morehead]


Bartleby, the Scrivener [Melville]

Bet, The [Chekov]

Black Cat, The [Poe]

Blind Men and the Elephant, The [Baldwin]

Boy who cried Wolf, The [Aesop]



Cask of Amontillado, The [Poe]

Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County, The [Twain]

Charles [Jackson]

Chosen Vessel, The [Baynton]

Click, Clack the Rattlebag [Gaiman]

Cop and the Anthem, The [O'Henry]

Desiree's Baby [Chopin]

Dead, The [Joyce]

Doll's House, The [Mansfield]

Drover's Wife, The [Lawson]

E - F G H - J L

Elephant's child, The [Kipling]

Eleven [Cisneros]

Facts in the case of M. Valdemar The [Poe]

Flappers and Philosophers [Fitzgerald]

Fly, The [Mansfield]

Four Million Collection, The [O. Henry]

Fish and Chips [Weller]

Gift of the Magi, The [O. Henry]

Golden Kite, the Silver Wind, The [Bradbury]

Good Country People [O'Connor]

Good Man is Hard to Find, A [O'Connor]

Harrison Bergeron [Vonnegut]

Haunting of Hill House, The [Jackson]

Hills like White Elephants [Hemingway]

Home [Brooks]

In the Penal Colony [Kafka]

Interlopers [Saki]

Just So Stories [Kipling]

Lady with the dog, The [Chekov]

Lady or the Tiger, The [Stockton]

Lamb to the Slaughter [Dahl]

Landlady, The [Dahl]

Legend of Sleepy Hollow, The [Irving]

Loaded Dog, The [Lawson]

Lottery, The [Jackson]


Magic Shop, The [Wells]

Man that Corrupted Hadleyburg, The [Twain]

Manhood [Wain]

Masque of Red Death, The [Poe]

Medicine Bag, The [Sneve]

Minister's Black Veil, The [Hawthorne]

Miss Brill [Mansfield]

Monkey's Paw, The [Jacob]

Mother and Daughter [Soto]

Murders in Rue Morgue, The [Poe]

Necklace, The [de Maupassant]

Occurrance at Owl Creek Bridge, An [Bierce]

Old Man at the Bridge, The [Hemingway]

On her Knees [Winton]

On the Gull's Road [Cather]

One Friday Morning [Hughes]

One Million Pound Bank Note, The [Twain]

One of These Days [Marquez]

Open Boat, The [Crane]

Open Window, The [Saki]

Peasant Wives [Chekov]

Pedestrian, The [Bradbury]

Perfect Day for Bananafish, A [Salinger]

Phone Call [Roueche]

Pit and the Pendulum, The [Poe]

Prometheus & Pandora's Box [Baldwin]

R S T - V W - Z

Rapunzel [Grimm]

Retrieved Reformation, A [O. Henry]

Rhinoceros Beetle [Hawthorne]

Rikki-Tikki-Tavi [Kipling]

Rocking-Horse Winner, The [Lawrence]

Selected Sherlock Holmes [Doyle]o

Sign of Four, The [Doyle]

Son of the Gods, A [Bierce]

Stolen Party, The [Heker]

Star, The [Wells]

Stolen Car [Weller]

Storyteller, The [Saki]

Story of an Hour, The [Chopin]

Seventh Grade [Soto]

Sound of Thunder, A {Bradbury]

Story of Prometheus and Pandora's Box, The [Baldwin]

Tales if the Jazz Age [ Fitzgerald]

Tales of Terror and Mystery [Doyle]

Tell-Tale Heart, The [Poe]

Thank You Ma'am [Hughes]

There Will Come Soft Rains [Bradbury]

Through the Tunnel [Lessing

To build a Fire [London]

Veldt, The [Bradbury]

Very Old Man with Enormous Wings, A [Marquez]



What Katie Did [Chaplin]

Where are you going, Where have you been? [Oates]

Wish, The [Dahl]

Yellow Wallpaper, The [Gilman]

Young Goodman Brown [Hawthorne]