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There will Come Soft Rains by Ray Bradbury (1950)
At 7 AM an automated house rings the alarm clock and prepares breakfast. It gives some practical reminders and says it’s time to go to school and work. Otherwise, the house is strangely silent.

NOTES: "There will come Soft Rains"

Bradbury has written numerous stories and novels, usually in the science fiction genre, where he shows his concerns with the trends of modern society by looking into the future. This bleak story is a good example, with the detached third person narrator describing a range of activities, which becomes more and more unnerving as the reader realises there is no human presence and all movement and voices are mechanised. The silhouettes on the wall reveal the poignant truth, showing a family destroyed while pursuing normal family activities. At the end of the story the technology destroys the home; the story suggests that man’s technology has already destroyed humanity itself.

Encourage students to note Bradbury’s use of ironically human verbs applied to the machinery.

Wider reading

One of Ray Bradbury’s most famous novels is Fahrenheit 451, about a world where books are banned and burned, while The Pedestrian is a short story where walking has become a suspicious activity.

Compare with

Meteor by John Wyndham; Report to the Threatened City by Doris Lessing

Related Links

Analysis of "Soft Rains"

Analysis and Summary

Teasdale Poem "Soft Rains"
Review of "Soft Rains"

Study Guide



Thematic Discussion and Analysis

An analysis of There Will Come Soft Rains, by Ray Bradbury. This is by no means comprehensive, but may help prompt some thinking as to the messages in the story.

SOURCE: posted on YouTube (2020), Duration: 14:34 mins, URL:

"There Will Come Soft Rains" by Ray Bradbury: Revision Summary! | Cambridge IGCSE English Literature

revision video which explains and analyses language techniques and context you should be aware of when studying this text!

SOURCE: First Rate Tutors (2020), Revision Summary, Duration: 8:35 mins, URL:

There Will Come Soft Rains (Animation)

A film based on the poem "There Will Come Soft Rains" by Sara Teasdale, illustrated and animated by Xulin Wang.

SOURCE: Wang, Xulin (2019), posted on YouTube, Duration: 1:04 mins, URL: