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Literary Classic Reader: 20th Century [1950-1999]

Plus English Texts


Browse, then select a cover to open the eBook. Titles are in alphabetical order, excluding "A", "An" and "The."

Bridge to Terabithia 1977

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory

Cowgirl Harriet Bean 1998

Fahrenheit 451 1953

The Giver 1993

Hatchet 1987

Hotel for Dogs 1971

Lord of the Flies 1954

Number stars 1989

Perks of wallflower 1999

Skellig 1998

Tuck Everlasting 1975

A wind in the door (5.0) bk. 2

Blueback 1997

Charlotte's web 1952

Danny, Champion 1975

Fantastic Mr Fox 1970

Green Mile 1996

1959 Haunting of Hill House

I know Caged Bird 1970

Mrs Frisby rats NIMH 1970

Old Man & Sea 1952

Red Dog 1999

Slaughterhouse 5 1969

The Twits 1980

Wrinkle in Time 1962

Catch 22 1961

Chitty Chitty 1964

Day of triffids 1951

Five aunts Harriet Bean 1998

Handmaid's Tale 1985

Hitchhikers guide 1979

Island blue dolphins 1960

Night 1956

Ordeal innocence 1958

Secret diary Adrian 1982

Stardust 1997

War Horse 1982

Catcher in Rye 1951

Cloudstreet 1991

End of the affair 1951

Flowers for Algernon 1959

Harriet Bean League 1998

Holes 1998

Lion, witch & Wardrobe 1950

Notebook 1996

The Outsiders 1967

Separate peace 1959

To kill Mockingbird 1960

Story Henry Sugar 1977