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Literary Classic Reader: 20th Century [1900-1949]

Plus English Texts
Browse, then select a cover to open the eBook. Titles are in alphabetical order, excluding "A", "An" and "The."

Absolute Part-time Indian (4.0) L&R

Anne Green Gables 1908

Diary of a Young Girl (6.5)

Hiroshima 1946

Little Princess 1906

Murder Roger Ackroyd 1926

Parade's End 1924-28

Red house mystery 1922

Stuart Little 1945

Velveteen Rabbit 1922

All quiet western 1929

Black stallion 1941

Fellowship of the ring (6.1)

Hobbit 1937

Mary Poppins 1934

1984 (1949)

Peter Rabbit 1901

Room with view 1908

Sword in the stone 1938

Wind in Willows 1908

And Then were none 1939

Brave new world 1932

The Good Soldier 1915

Howard's End 1910

Mrs Dalloway 1925

Of Mice & Men 1937

Picture of Dorian Gray (7.7) 1891

Secret Garden 1911

Thirty nine Steps 1915

White Fang 1906

Animal Farm 1945

Call of the Wild 1903

Great Gatsby 1925

Just So Stories 1902

Murder orient express 1934

Once & Future King 1938

Peter Pan 1911

Sons and lovers 1913

To the Lighthouse 1927

Autobiog Ex-coloured Man 1912