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SOURCE: Mazzarella Media (2014), Ecosystems and Biomes, posted on Clickview, URL: [17:14 mins]

SOURCE: Khan Academy (2014), Ecosystems and Biomes, posted on Youtube, URL: [07:33 mins]

SOURCE: Elesapiens (2015), Ecosystems, posted on Clickview, URL: [03:20 mins]

What is a biome?

A biome is an area of the planet that can be classified according to the plants and animals that live in it. Temperature, soil, and the amount of light and water help determine what life exists in a biome.

The world's biomes

Biomes are defined as "the world's major communities, classified according to the predominant vegetation and characterised by adaptations of organisms to that particular environment" (Campbell).

Major Biomes: Search Terms

General: Biomes; Ecosystems; Habitats;

Grassland: Grassland ecology; Grasslands; Savanahs.

Forest: Forests; Forest ecology; Temperate regions; woodlands; Temperate forests;

Marine: Marine ecology; Marine habitats; Oceans ecology; Aquatic ecology; Coral reef(s); Aquatic plants; Aquatic animals; Marine biome; Coasts;

Freshwater: Freshwater ecology; Estuarine ecology; Estuaries;

Desert: Deserts; Desert ecology; Desert plants; Desert animals; 

Tundra: Tundra ecology; 

Taiga (Boreal Forest): Taigas; Taiga ecology; Alpine regions; Mountains; Mountain ecology; Alps; Boreal (meaning Northern) forests; Polar regions; Coniferous forest; Snow forest; Northern circumpolar forests.

Urban: Urban Areas;

Frozen/Arctic: Arctic; Alps; Arctic regions; Polar ecology; Polar regions; 


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St Stephen's School acknowledges the contribution of

Mrs Maranne Purnell

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