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HASS8 Black Death: Impacts of the plague on Medieval Europe: Effects on Medieval People

SOURCE: Addison, P. [et al.]. (2012). Pearson History 8 Student Book. Pearson Australia Group Pty Ltd.

Consequences and Effects of the Black Death

The Consequences and effects of the Black Death plague were far reaching in England:

  • Prices and Wages rose
  • Greater value was placed on labour
  • Farming land was given over to pasturing, which was much less labour-intensive
  • This change in farming led to a boost in the cloth and woollen industry
  • Peasants moved from the country to the towns
  • The Black Death was therefore also responsible for the decline of the Feudal system
  • People became disillusioned with the church and its power and influence went into decline
  • This resulted in the English reformation

Immunity: Scientists have found that those that survived the plague had genetic markers similar to those that survived HIV/AIDS. They could only collect DNA samples from direct descendants of plague survivors and isolated CCR5.


Lucy Worsley Investigates: The Black Death [58.59 mins, Rated PG]

How did the Black Death change Britain? Lucy Worsley examines the latest science, and explores how the huge death toll affected religious beliefs, class structure, work and women.

SOURCE: ABC TV (2022), Lucy Worsley Investigates: The Black Death, posted on Clickview,

Effects of the Black Death

SOURCE: Joseph Mita posted on YouTube (2017), Duration 10:05 mins, URL: