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Science8 Rusting investigation: Home


St Stephen's School acknowledges the contribution of

Mrs Amanda Roberts,

the original creator of this guide.

Rusting Investigation

The purpose of this investigation is to understand how rusting occurs. You will be investigating; where rusting fits into oxidation reactions; what different types of oxidation reactions are plus their chemical formula; what corrosion is; different examples of corrosion with their chemical formula; how can corrosion be prevented; what are alloys; why are alloys used; the advantages and disadvantages of alloys.

Assignment/ Worksheets


Corrosion:  which a solid, especially a metal, is eaten away and changed by a chemical action, as in the oxidation of iron in the presence of water. 

Rust: The red coating that forms on the surface of iron when exposed to air and moisture, consisting chiefly of ferric hydroxide and ferric oxide formed by oxidation. 

Oxidize: to convert (an element) into an oxide; combine with oxygen.

Oxidation: the process or result of oxidizing. 

Alloy: a substance composed of two or more metals, or of a metal(s) mixed with a nonmetal.